The Details


So we're on a quest to play at least one course in every US state...

You might ask, "Why are you doing this?"

Well, quite frankly, why do we do any of the silly things any of us do?  

Because we can.  
Because life's too short to sit around and watch Real Housewives all day.
Because a little fresh air and vitamin D goes a lot further than you think.  
Because we want another reason to hang out together.
Because there's a whole world out there waiting to be explored.
Because I like vegetation.  (I like vegetables too, but that's a topic for another blog another day.)  
Because hobbies are fun. 
Because how many days in your life do you have the opportunity to do something extraordinary?
Because we're not very interesting people otherwise. 
Because we want to have something to look forward to.
Because it gives me an excuse to write this blog, which helps justify my degree in English.
Because we need a break from reality.
Because golf is my happy place.
Because we like trying new things. 
Because I came up with this crazy idea without (fully) thinking it through first (typical).

Because we want to.

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